July 2019

Living in Victoria

Twelve years later, Janet passed away in November 2016 after a long decline, from complications of COPD. She was a great lady, my loving wife of 35 years. Now with time on my hands I’ve put this website together to send greetings and thanks to former friends and colleagues, and throw some light on these pieces and fragments after so many years lying in the box. I hope you can find something in them to enjoy – even the corny parts.

My Victoria Family

These days I live in Victoria,  play a little trumpet, and volunteer at the museum and the art gallery. It’s a great town. I have two step-kids, three step-grandkids, my sister, and a step brother-in-law.

Finally, a shoutout to all my former colleagues, teachers and friends, including Omar Walmsley, Bruce Mather, Murray Schafer, Peter Huse, Al Rempel, Barry Truax, Brian Fawcett, Hildi Westerkamp, Colin Miles, Ivan Solomon, Robbie King, Don Mowatt, David Walsh, Howard Broomfield, Andrew Seary and Alex Tilley, and to tell a little of the story of my life. It’s been, despite everything, a good one.

Thank you all.

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