What this site is not about – A while ago, I was talking to someone I hadn’t seen in years, and they said, “We thought you had dropped off the edge of the earth!” Well, in a sense I had, and felt guilty about not keeping in touch better. Also for fathering some music in the meanwhile which I did nothing to promote, relying on good fortune more then anything. So I had a box full of stuff orphaned away, whispering to me once in a while “Bruce! –  Legacy!!” “Come on!”

I also had a pocketful of huge good luck along the way. In fact, Serendipity has been the groundwork of my life – for which I give thanks daily.

In the late ‘70s I left the new music scene in Vancouver and more or less dropped out of sight for a few years. Read More…

After a time of going where the wind blew me and living in my own oyster, I drifted ashore and became a husband and father, surfacing for a while at David Thompson University Centre in Nelson and later in Stratford with my wife, actor Janet Wright & family. Janet passed away in 2006 and Rachel, our daughter, heroically, in 2004. Like everyone else, my life has been a mix of loss and gain, but somehow I’ve had a lucky star to help when help was needed.

I think that’s the charmed part. But I haven’t kept in touch, and have been regretting it. Most of the music I wrote has been filed away, so for what it’s worth, this website is a kind of long lost greeting card to past friends and colleagues, saying I’m alive and well and living in Victoria. I share this lively city with my sister Natasha and the rest of Janet’s tribe, and volunteer a couple times a week.

On Hadrian's Wall

As Bruce Mather used to say to me in his most passionate French after every composition tutorial: “Courage!” I guess that’s what this website is about in a way: remembering him and Murray Schafer and everyone else, without whom I would still be wandering…

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A quick note about what you will find on my site

There are two main sections. A background section beginning in 1970 that has short clips from musical projects I’ve worked on, and a Music Group section where pieces are arranged arbitrarily in a single audio file. Each selection is more like a theme than a whole piece: as such it is more a sampler than a collection.

At the top of each page you will see an audio player like this one which you will need to play as you read down the page. Some browsers allow autoplay in which case, you can adjust the volume, or select the pause button on the player.

*using headphones to enjoy this site is recommended